Tuesday, May 24, 2016

4 Aesthetic uses for black pepper
Do you want to take care of your beauty without exposing your skin and your hair to chemicals in cosmetics? You only need to resort to your kitchen or your fridge and you will find a lot of natural elements, which all maintain your beauty. Among these elements, we can not deny the important role of black pepper and its great and lots of benefits that help to maintain the freshness of your skin and the health of your hair. Discover with us what the main aesthetic uses of black pepper here are.
1) The uses of black pepper for the skin:-
*Get rid of wrinkles: You can add black pepper in the various recipes for your skin and it will help you get rid of wrinkles on your face due to its content of antioxidants.
*Exfoliate the skin: You can get rid of dead cells, open the skin pores and exfoliate the skin two times a week by mixing a little of grinded black pepper with water to make a soft paste. Rub this paste on your skin in a circular motion and then wash your face well with cold water. This natural scrub works to make your skin clear, glowing and acne-free.
2) The uses of black pepper for the hair:-
*Makes the hair shiny and healthy: Get rid of pale hair problem without having to resort to expensive lotions that are useless sometimes. All you have to do is mixing a little water with two equal amounts of black pepper and grinded lemon seeds. Then, apply it on your hair for 15 minutes before each bath.
*Removes dandruff: Do not spend a lot on shampoos and special creams for removing dandruff. You can simply use a mixture of black pepper and yoghurt, and apply it on your hair for 15 minutes before taking a shower. This mixture is very effective for removing dandruff.

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