Friday, May 27, 2016

Methods to get rid of unpleasant body odor
A lot of people have unpleasant body odor. They feel embarrassed because of this problem which put them in some terrible situations. If you suffer from this problem and you are looking for the best natural solutions to get rid of it, here are what you are looking for.
-   Taking a shower is very important to reduce the bacteria in high-sweat areas. Researches say that hot water is more effective in removing body odor. Also, its better to use antibacterial soap to help you get rid of unpleasant odor.
-   Try to reduce hot spices in your food as they cause unpleasant odor of the body.
-   Lemon juice can solve the body odor problems very effectively. It is antibacterial and therefore you can add it to the water of your shower to kill the bacteria and to remove dead skin cells.
-   Salt has antiseptic properties and it is used to remove feet odor. Put your foot in warm salt water for 8-10 minutes to kill the bacteria that cause unpleasant smell of the feet.
-   Smoking affects the smell of your body in a great deal. So, you should quit smoking to restore the natural smell and to get rid of unpleasant smell caused by smoking.
-   Reduce your consuming of drinks that contain caffeine like coffee, tea and cola as they stimulate sweat. So, do not drink than 2 cups a day.
-   Drink plenty water to help you remove toxins. In order to keep your body healthy free from the accumulation of odor caused by chemicals you should drink about 8-10 glasses of water every day.
-   Parsley is a scented herb that can fight body odor. You can either chew raw parsley or drink it as a tea. It works to remove unpleasant odor and to remove body toxins at the same time.

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