Friday, May 27, 2016

Ways to lose weight without diet
If you suffer from overweight, especially in the areas of the abdomen and buttocks and you want a correct way to burn fat without gaining weight quickly, here you will find the way. There are a lot of tips that you can follow to increase your metabolic rates and burn fat accumulated in your body.
-   Drink a lot of water for its ability to help your body get rid of fat and toxins. Therefore, it is very important to drink 2 litres of water per day.
-   Try to use olive oil by adding it to your food will help you avoid cholesterol. Also, it has many benefits for your body.
-   Stay away from eating canned foods because they contain preservatives which hinder the process of digestion. Also, canned foods contain high calories.
-   Take care of the three main meals without neglecting breakfast which is very important for helping the body to burn more calories.
-   Eat fruits between meals when you feel hungry. It is also possible to eat celery for its ability to burn a large amount of fat, which helps effectively in losing weight faster.
-   Replace eating white bread with brown bread or bran bread. They give a feeling of fullness and facilitate the process of digestion.
-  It’s advisable to reduce the salt used in your foods as it stores water in the body. One spoon of it is enough for the body needs of salt.
-   Avoid eating late at night to help the stomach to perform effectively in digestion.
-   Reduce your consuming of rice, pasta and other starches. It is advisable to be taken once every two weeks.
-   Replace using the elevators with stairs to help the body burn high percentage of fat.

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