Sunday, May 29, 2016

Uses of Vaseline for beauty

A lot of women use Vaseline for their skin. However, there are many other uses for Vaseline for beauty which a lot of women are not aware of.

-         Vaseline can be used for treating breaking and damage of the hair. You can use it to hide the brittle ends of the hair by applying a little of it and rubbing it.

-         It can be used to make the skin fresh. A lot of film stars use it on their skins and that’s why their skin is always bright and glowing. It helps to soften the skin and make it bright.

-         Your skin in summer is liable to burning and inflammation. Vaseline can be used to protect your skin and to sooth it. It also works to calm the skin after hair removal.

-         It is one of the natural peeling for the skin which helps to smooth the skin. It works to lighten the skin safely.

-         One of the most famous uses of Vaseline is moisturizing the skin. It is one of the most powerful products that soften dry and coarse skin. So, it is used to treat cracks feet.

-         If you suffer from a lack of eyelashes, you can use a layer of Vaseline on eyelashes before going to sleep. If you do this in a regular basis, you will get thick eyelashes rapidly.

-         It helps to soften and moisturize the lips. Apply it daily on your lips to treat cracks caused in winter. 

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