Sunday, May 29, 2016

Home remedies for dark armpits

Many women suffer from the darkening of their armpits. There are many advices and natural recipes for getting rid of this problem.

Some effective tips to avoid darkening of armpits:

-         Instead of using commercial antiperspirants, use talcum powder or any anti-fungal aromatic powder.

-         It is advisable to remove the hair by using wax instead of shaving. Waxing helps to smooth the skin by removing dead cells.

-         Regular exfoliating for armpits helps to avoid its blackness. Also, it helps to get rid of dead skin layers.

-         Make sure to clean the armpits and dry them well on a regular basis. This helps to get of the bacteria that causes the smell of sweatiness and blackness.

-         Avoid using hair removal creams on the armpits because some of them contain chemicals which cause irritation to the skin. Also, with the continuous use of these products, the sensitive skin will be liable to sever damage.

Some effective home recipes for whitening armpits:

-         Vinegar:

Vinegar not only softens the skin, but also kills germs and bacteria that feed on dead skin cells which cause underarm odor. Mix rice flour with vinegar to form a paste. Then, apply the paste on your armpits after taking a hot shower. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it. Repeat the process several times a week.

-         Milk:

Milk contains fatty acids and vitamins. So, it can help to reduce the darkening of armpits. Simply you can mix two tablespoons of milk and one tablespoon of honey to form a paste. Apply it on the armpits and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. Repeat this process several times a week on a regular basis.

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