Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Recipes for removing dark spots on the face

Brown and dark spots appear generally on the exposed areas of the skin. Such as the face, the neck, the hands and the legs. Here are some ways and treatments to remove these spots.
- Cucumber and lemon.
Apply slices of cold cucumber with some drops of lemon on the black spots. This will help in skin whitening treatment and disposal of the spots completely. Apply it every day in the morning and evening for 20 minutes and you will notice the difference.
-Cucumber and mint.
Mix six leaves of fresh mint with egg white and half a piece of cucumber. Blend the ingredients well then apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes. After that, you can wash your face with warm water.
Lemon is one of the best simple home remedies to get rid of black spots. Simply apply lemon juice on the dark spots and the affected areas.
-Caster oil and vitamin E.
Mix caster oil with vitamin E and put it on the dark spots. The application of this mixture daily will help to soften the skin and removes the black areas leaving them free of defects.
-Onion and garlic juice.
Mix the onion and garlic juice and apply the mixture on the black spots for 15 minutes. It is an excellent remedy to remove dark spots.
-Milk and honey.
It is known that milk helps in skin whitening and that honey acts as a moisturizer. So, the mixture of them will be an effective treatment for dry skin and spots.
-Guava and banana.
Guava contain lycopene, which helps in removing suntan. Also, banana helps in peeling and reducing black areas. Mix them together and apply the mixture on your face and wash it after 15- 20 minutes. Use this treatment daily and you will notice the difference in a short period.

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