Saturday, May 21, 2016

Reasons that make you eat more
Sometimes we feel unable to lose weight and burn fats because we could not resist eating foods. However, we are not aware that there are many factors that may be responsible for eating foods more. In this article you will learn about these reasons.
*Lack of sleep:
As much as you deprive yourself from sleeping enough, you are contributing to the possibility of increasing weight. You should notice that lack of sleep makes you eat more and randomly because of the hormone leptin. This hormone is usually responsible for organizing the energy needed for the body. When you dont have enough hours of sleep, the production of this hormone is lowered. As a result, your brain loses some of its acumen and thus it became unable to resist the call of hunger.
*Nutrients deficiencies:
A lack of nutrients in the body makes you feel hungry. In fact, whenever your body lacks calcium, magnesium, iron or sugar it sends you signs telling you so giving you a desire to eat:
- Sweets: if you have a shortage of sugar in the blood.
- Chocolate: if you have a shortage of typtophan and magnesium.
- Red meat: if you need iron.
- Cheese: if your body is suffering from a lack of calcium and sodium.
*The mood:
Stress, anxiety, tension, boredom and lack of activity are all factors that could mislead the sense of hunger which drives you to eat without measure.

*Food quality:
If you are used to eating a lot of food too sweat or too salty, do not be surprised if you feel hungry two hours after finishing your meal.

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