Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Useful foods for getting strong and thick hair

Actually, the food that you eat plays a vital role on the health of your hair. There are some foods that are useful to strengthen the hair, and make it healthy and thick. Here are some of these foods.

-         Eggs:
Eggs contain a large amount of vitamin A, D and E which are very important for hair glow and the renewal of its youth. You can make a hair mask consists of eggs and apply it on the scalp directly so that it will help to moisture the hair and treat dryness.

-         Spaniach
Green leaves are of the most important foods that helps to lengthen and strengthen hair growth. It contains iron and vitamin C which are very useful to maintain a healthy scalp. Also, broccoli and watercress are very useful for the hair and the roots.

-         Lentils:
Lentils have an amazing effect in treating dry scalp because they are rich in folic acid and fat.

-         Carrots:
-         It has been known that carrots are useful for eye health. Moreover, they are also helping in preventing hair breaking and they reduce hair falling.

-         Seafood:
These food are very essential for hair treatment. Salmon, oysters, and shrimps are marvelous remedy for making the hair healthy and soft. They also helps to prevent hair loss as they contain zinc, amino acids, vitamin B and iron.

-         Nuts:
Nuts are rich in natural fats that keep moisture and softness of hair.

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