Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Great advantages for a cup of honey water

Honey water is a very useful drink that contains nutritional elements. This drink can give us energy when we take it in the morning. You can make it by adding 1 tablespoon of honey to a cup of lukewarm water. Drink in the summer to refresh you, and in the winter to treat you. To know much more about honey water read this article.
-   Drinking a glass of honey water every morning can help you to lose some weight. Its true that honey contains sugar but its the kind of sugar that is natural and healthy. So, try to replace soft drinks with honey water.
-   Also, honey water works to promote the immune system as it contains antibacterial substance as well as enzymes, vitamins and minerals. All of these elements work to protect your body from germs and bacteria.
-   It is considered an effective treatment for sore throat and coughing which is always prescribed by grandmothers. Honey water helps to calm the coughing and pain of the throat.
-   Honey water is a great drink for boosting energy. It is far better than drinking coffee as the energy boost doesnt subside if you drink honey water.

-   Honey water is the best drink for detoxing your body. It has antibacterial properties which help your colon and prevent infections. By adding some lemon juice to your honey water it will boost the detox as lemon also contains antibacterial properties and works as diuretic and assist liver functions. 

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